Seed Potato Catalogue Now Open!
Among a hand full of other things, we grow a collection of Seed Potatoes on the farm. 45 varieties to be exact. This year marks our 30th year of growing potatoes and although we have not always grown so many varieties we much prefer the selection and enjoy sharing this selection with others.
Today’s agriculture is being taken over by ever-increasingly large, mono-culturing farms focusing only 1 or 2 crops. We have no interest in competing on a large scale, instead our goal is to prove that it is still possible to farm small and supply locally.
Unlike most Seed Potato Farms who only sell large quantities, we cater to small home and market gardeners. Our smallest package size is just 4 potatoes and we rarely sell more than 500kgs of potato.
Our 2016 Seed Potato Catalogue is now online and ready for
i would love to order some potatoes but being an old fart, I cannot figure out how to order on your on line system. I have gone to your on line potato catalogue but can see no button for ordering.
I have ordered from you in the past, but am flummoxed but current technologies. Please let me know how to order.
Thanks, Ken Hall
Hello Ken,
I must have a error in the link to the site from the blog post.
Try this link
If you are still having troubles I can give you a call and we can get your order placed over the phone.
Have a great day
John Mills
Came to visit your farm this past Saturday. Love your u-pick. My husband picked up a variety of your potatoes. Just had a fantastic assortment of your potatoes of the barbecue. Would like to find out more about your seed potatoes? When are they usually available for purchase. I am sure they sell out fast!
I am glad to hear you enjoyed the potatoes. It looks to be a record year for harvest, with the exception of the extremely dry start to the season, we have been getting timely rains which should result in a good amount going into storage. So to answer your question there should only be a few varieties that we sell out of this coming season. Typically we try to open our online catalogue mid December and start shipping in April to Alberta. You are welcome to pick up at the farm in april or may as well to avoid shipping charges. Regardless if you order online you can guarantee getting the varieties that you would like. is the website that has the online store for potatoes, again it should be sometime in december that we are ready to take orders
is there a catalogue you can mail?, or just on-line?
Hello Debbie,
I can definitely put you on the mailing list if you would like to receive a 2017 catalogue. I hope to have them printed before christmas this year. With that said we typically have a larger selection to order from on the internet, there are always a few varieties that we have a limited supply that we only post on our online store.
You can email me your address privately or give us a call to get your name on the catalogue mail out.
403 224 3995
Have a great day,
John Mills